Inner Temple, in Valencia, Spain offers services to promote healing. Helping people to help themselves. Finding Harmony, Stability, Clarity through Physical work, Breath work, Reiki, and Meditation.
Inner Temple, in Valencia, Spain offers services to promote healing. Helping people to help themselves. Finding Harmony, Stability, Clarity through Physical work, Breath work, Reiki, and Meditation.
““All modalities have the same purpose. That is achieving a sense of Balance and harmony of the mind, the body and the spirit. it is for you to find which tools work best for you and practice them daily.” ”
Mother, Artist, world traveller, Reiki Master, with the Usui System of Natural Healing.
Trained in the direct lineage of Hawayo Takata who brought Reiki to the United States from Japan. I trained with Nana Deleplanque (at “The NYC Reiki Institute”) who trained with John Harvey Gray, from 1989 to 1997 as a student and assistant. J. H Gray was one of Mrs Takata earliest Master.
200Hr (YA RYT) Yoga Instructor, and certified Yoga Nidra facilitator. I trained in instruction and practice in guided meditation, pranayama and yogic philosophy…with The Amrit Institute. I also trained in Craniosacral therapy with Don Ash at the CST Alliance and as a Stretch and Breath coach with Yoga Body, Barcelona. I trained with Anita (Nutripuncture Association). I have honestly spent a good part of my life wandering, and collecting knowledge from all kind of different practices (from Ayurvedic massage to Vagus Nerve Rejuvenation, tuning forks, crystals…) only to discover that they all come back to the same source. There are many tools out there, but truth is in order to integrate this knowledge into your being you need to practice and only then you will get the benefits. So find the tools that resonate with you, and keep practicing.
What is important is make your practice a ritual. Nourishing your body, your mind and your energy body, so that you can find Peace and Harmony, and BE THE BEST OF WHO YOU ARE in everything you do.
Me in Bhutan, 2019